Outbreak Investigation | Volume 7, Article 39, 22 Aug 2024

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

Charles Mulwa Muendo, Maryanne Gachari, Waqo Gufu Boru, Ahmed Abade, Dorothy Njeru, David Otieno, Adam Haji, Elvis Oyugi, Penina Munyua, Kadondi Kasera, Linda Makayotto

Corresponding author: Charles Mulwa Muendo, Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya

Received: 06 Jun 2022 - Accepted: 21 Aug 2024 - Published: 22 Aug 2024

Domain: Epidemiology

Keywords: Mortality, COVID-19, Co-morbidity, Kenya

©Charles Mulwa Muendo et al Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health (ISSN: 2664-2824). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Cite this article: Charles Mulwa Muendo et al . Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020. Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health. 2024;7:39.

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Outbreak Investigation

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

Charles Mulwa Muendo1, 2, &, Maryanne Gachari1, Waqo Gufu Boru1, Ahmed Abade1, Dorothy Njeru3, David Otieno4, Adam Haji4, Elvis Oyugi1, Penina Munyua5, Kadondi Kasera2, Linda Makayotto6


1Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, Ministry of Health, PO Box 225-00202, Nairobi, 2Public Health Emergency Operation Centre (PHEOC), Ministry of Health 30016-00100, Nairobi, 3Department of Pathology, Kenyatta National Hospital, PO Box 20723-00202, Nairobi, 4World Health Organization- Kenya Country office, 45335 Nairobi, Kenya, 5Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- Kenya, KEMRI Complex, Mbagathi Road off Mbagathi Way PO Box 606-00621, Village Market, Nairobi, Kenya, 6Division of Disease Surveillance and Response (DDSR), Ministry of Health 30016-00100, Nairobi



&Corresponding author
Charles Mulwa Muendo, Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya




Introduction: The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Globally, as of 27 June 2020, there were 9,653,048 confirmed cases with 491,128 mortality and 5.1% Case Fatality Rate (CFR). Africa had reported 268,102 cases with 5,673 deaths (CFR= 2.1%). Kenya by then had 5,533 cases with 137 deaths (CFR- 2.5%) with 87.6% (120) of them from Nairobi and Mombasa. We sought to characterize mortalities of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in selected health facilities in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties.


Methods: We did a cross-sectional study where we reviewed records of confirmed COVID-19 deaths from 13 March to 27 June 2020 in selected health facilities in Nairobi and Mombasa. Patient files were retrieved and data was abstracted into a pre-formed Microsoft Excel tool. Data on demographics, clinical presentation, underlying co-morbidities, laboratory investigations, and treatment were collected. Descriptive analysis was done using Epi Info. Records with missing data are indicated by every variable.


Results: A total of ninety-four deaths were recorded whose median age was 61 years (IQR: 49.3–70 years). Males constituted 71% (67) while the majority 41% (39) were ≥65 years. Hospital death contributed 79% (74) of the deaths. Sixty-six percent (62/94) presented with difficulty in breathing while 69% (65/94) had underlying medical conditions. Hypertension and diabetes accounted for 43 (46%) and 32 (34%) respectively. Thirty-five percent presented with oxygen saturation of <90%. Cases put on mechanical ventilation were 23 (24%). Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was reported in 36 (38%) of the cases. Lymphocytopenia and elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) were present in 25 (26%) and 32 (34%) of the cases on admission respectively. Ground glass opacification was present in 9 (9%) computed tomography (CT) scans.


Conclusion: More than half of the mortalities occurred in older patients and among those with co-morbidities. A third of patients required mechanical ventilation, which underscores the need to expand critical care.



Introduction    Down

World Health Organization (WHO) defines Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) as an acute respiratory illness, which is severe, with a history of fever or measured fever ≥38⁰C, cough, with onset within 10 days, and requires hospitalization [1]. Coronavirus, a major cause of SARS, is a group of viruses with a crown shape and are single-stranded Ribonucleic Acid (RNAs) [2]. SARS-COV2 is the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease [3]. This was first reported in Wuhan China in December 2019 [4] and has since evolved to become a global pandemic, declared by the WHO on March 11, 2020 [4]. Severe and critical SARS-COV2 disease often presents with respiratory distress, requiring hospitalization, and mostly resulting in organ failure and death [5, 6].


Clinical progression of patients on admission has been shown that the majority go into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, refractory metabolic acidosis, coagulation disorder, Multi-Organ Dysfunction (MODs), and death [7]. Viral sepsis has been shown to have similar clinical progression and outcome as sepsis by other pathogens [8]. The survival rate of hospitalized patients in this study was 80% while that of those admitted to ICU was 60% [9]. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is, therefore, key in the management of severe COVID-19 patients with three out of every 15 patients with severe COVID-19 having been found to develop viral sepsis and eventually MODs if not well taken care of [9].


Several factors have been associated with the rise in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality [10]. Mortality has been described to be high in old age and especially in those with underlying conditions [11]. However, factors associated with mortality have still not been well understood and described. Differences in association from one factor to another are still not clear. Much is still unknown about Covid-19, from its transmission and spread, treatment, prevention, risk factors, and risk groups. Morbidity and mortality are on the rise. There also seems to be some speculated differences in peoples´ groups in terms of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality [12].


By June 27, 2020, globally there were 9,653,048 confirmed cases with mortality at 491,128 and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 5.1% [13]. Africa had reported 268,102 cases with 5,673 deaths and 2.1% CFR. Kenya, by then, had 5,533 cases with 137 deaths, CFR- 2.5% [14]. At the onset of the pandemic, the government of Kenya put in place several measures to help in the control of COVID-19 spread. These included total lockdown of areas with high community spread, partial lockdown of Nairobi and Mombasa counties which had reported a high number of cases, and with high community spread. In addition, there was a dusk to dawn curfew and the regular personal precautionary measures of keeping social and physical distance, washing and sanitizing hands, cough etiquette, and use of masks [14].


At the start of the study (18 June 2020), Nairobi and Mombasa accounted for 3,202 (75.2%) of the cases and 101/117 (86.3%) of the deaths. The two counties had the highest attack rates: Nairobi at 47/100,000 and Mombasa at 103/100,000. By this time, no study had been done in Kenya to characterize COVID-19 mortalities and identify common factors among these mortalities. The study was also aimed at informing early identification and management for severe cases without even awaiting confirmatory tests. It was also important to underscore the need to build more capacity for Intensive Care Services in Kenya health facilities. 



Methods Up    Down

Study site


The study was conducted in health facilities within Nairobi and Mombasa counties of Kenya (Figure 1). By the time this study was carried out (between 18 June 2020 and 27 June 2020), Nairobi and Mombasa accounted for 3,202 (75.2%) of all cases and 101/117 (86.3%) of all deaths in Kenya. Out of the 1135 health facilities in Nairobi county, only seven were reporting COVID-19 admissions, and out of the 340 health facilities in Mombasa county, seven were reporting COVID-19 admissions [15]. The health facilities reporting cases incuded: Kenyatta national, Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Caost general, Mombasa, Al Farouk, Jocham, Kenyatta University Teaching Research and referral, Ganjoni, Potreiz, Care, Alliance Medical Centre, Gur Nanak, and Mbangathi hospital. The health facilities included in the study were both public and private in both Nairobi and Mombasa. The health facilities were both government and private owned; with facility tiers ranging from national referral, regional referral, to sub-county referrals. All the above 14 health facilities were included in the study. The first mortality in Nairobi County was reported on 26 March 2020, while the first in Mombasa county was on 28 March 2020. The study also included deaths reported in the course of the data collection up to 27 June 2020.


Study population


The study population was all confirmed COVID-19 patients who died in the course of hospitalization or community deaths confirmed for COVID-19 post-humous.


Study design


This was a cross-sectional study involving a review of health records and inpatient files. Health facilities reporting COVID-19 deaths were first identified from the national COVID-19 line-list. These health facilities were all visited between 18 June 2020 and 27 June 2020. Data were abstracted from hospital records in each hospital for all deaths reported by the hospital. The period under review was 13 March 2020, when the first case was reported in Kenya to 27 June 2020. Data on community deaths were accessed either from the public health office at the sub-county or from the health facility mortuary where the body was admitted. A structured data collection tool with variables on demographics, signs, and symptoms, and the presence of comorbidities was used by the sub-county public health officers for data collection on community deaths.


Key definitions


A case of confirmed COVID-19 disease was defined as any patient with laboratory confirmation of the SARS COV2 through a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test from any authorized laboratories in the country.


Fever was defined as such symptom reported by the patient on admission or recorded temperature equal to or more than 38⁰C.


Comorbidity was the presence of any known or newly diagnosed underlying condition at the point of admission or during the hospital stay.


A post-humous test is a test carried out or conducted after a person has died.


Laboratory tests were defined as either normal or out of the normal ranges. The laboratory parameters reviewed and their normal ranges included: Hemoglobin- 12─18g/dl, White Blood Cell count (WBCs) - 4000─11000 per microliter (mcL), Neutrophils- 1500─7000/mcL, Lymphocyte- 1000─4000/mcL, C-Reactive Protein- <10 mg/L, Urea- 2─8 mmol/L, Creatinine- 60─130 micromol/L, Alanine and aminotransferase- 0-40 units/L, Sodium levels- 135─145 mEq/L and Potassium- 3.3─5.4mmol/L. Lympocytopenia was defined as the level of lymphocytes below the lower limit, that is, less than 1000/mcL.


Clinical complications were recorded as outlined in the clinical notes by the clinician.


Data collection instruments


An excel data extraction tool was used to extract data from hospital records. The data extracted ranged from identifying information, presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory and radiological findings during hospitalization, and case management.


Data analysis plan


Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel® (Seattle, USA) and Epi info® 7.2.4 software (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Means and medians were calculated for continuous variables and frequencies and proportions for categorical variables. Maps were generated using QGIS® version 2.8.6 (QGIS Int., Los Angeles, USA).


Ethical considerations


This being a public health event, the study was commissioned by the Kenya Ministry of Health and permission granted by the participating County Departments of Health. Unique identifiers were used for the line-listed deaths and all the data collection sheets were password protected.



Results Up    Down

Demographic characteristics of COVID-19 deaths


By the end (undertaken for 2 weeks) of this review, 126 deaths had been reported from both Nairobi and Mombasa counties. Mortality case records reviewed in the two counties were 94/126 (75%), 48 (51%) in Mombasa, and 46 (49%) in Nairobi health facilities. Twenty-five percent (32/126) of mortalities reported in the national line-list could not be reviewed. This was due to such patients having been referred before their death, or their records could not be traced in the hospital. The median age of the 94 cases was 61 years (interquartile range 50─70 years). There were 67 (71%) males and 39 (41%) patients were aged >65 years (Table 1). Kenyan citizens accounted for 97% (91/94) of the deaths and 3% (3/94) were other nationalities. Of the 94 deaths, 74 (79%) occurred in health facilities and 20 (21%) in the community. Among the 20 community deaths, 18 (90%) occurred in Mombasa County. In Mombasa county, out of the 29 health facility deaths, 12 (41.4%) were in Coast General Hospital, while in Nairobi county 21/44 (48%) were in Kenyatta National Hospital.


Spatial distribution of COVID-19 deaths


Mortalities were reported in patients from 11 (65%) of the 17 sub-counties in Nairobi county. Of the 46 deaths in Nairobi County, the majority were from Kamukunji 12 (26%) and in Langata sub-counties 5 (11%) (Figure 2). COVID-19 death rates by sub-county per 100,000 population in the Sub counties were: Kamukunji -4.5, Starehe - 2.9, Mathare - 2.9, Lang´ata -2.5, Makadara-1.6, and Kibra -1.6, Dagoretti (North and South) -0.7, Embakasi - 1, Kasarani - 0.1.


In Mombasa County, deaths were reported from patients residing in 5 (71%) of 7 sub-counties. Of the 48 deaths from Mombasa, 24 (50%) were residents of the Mvita sub-county and 10 (21%) from the Kisauni sub-county (Figure 3). COVID-19 death rates by sub-county per 100,000 population were as follows: Mvita- 16.8, Kisauni- 5.2, Jomvu- 4.9, and Changamwe- 3.4.


Distribution of COVID-19 Mortalities according to Date of Laboratory Confirmation


The first COVID-19 death was a case admitted at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi on 23 March 2020 and died three days later on 26 March 2020 (Figure 4). In Mombasa, the first death was a case confirmed on 28 March 2020 at the Coast General Hospital who died the same day. The first community death in Mombasa was a case whose sample was shipped to KEMRI Welcome Trust laboratory in Kilifi County on 30 April 2020; the case died two days later. There was an increase in COVID-19 deaths on 5 May 2020, with four community deaths. Community deaths increased gradually in Mombasa County between 5 May 2020 and 14 May 2020. The total COVID-19 deaths in facilities increased from 9 May 2020 until the beginning of this investigation on the 8 June 2020 with a second peak observed on June 11 June 2020. The median time from onset of symptoms to seeking health care was 2 days (IQR 0-5). The median hospital stay from admission to death was 2 days (IQR 0-6) (Figure 5).


Clinical and exposure characteristics of COVID-19 deaths


Of the 94 deaths reviewed, 62 (66%) presented with difficulty in breathing, 54 (57%) with general body weakness, 44 (47%) with cough, and 29 (31%) with fever (Table 2). Those with a recorded existing underlying illness were 65/94 (69%), with hypertension and diabetes were reported in 43 (66%) and 32 (49%) patients respectively. Five (7%) reported contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case 14 days before symptom onset while out of the 48 cases who had information on travel, 3 (6%) reported international travel, and 3 (6%) reported local travel 14 days before symptom onset.


Clinical presentation of hospitalized COVID-19 deaths


Seventy nine percent (74 ) of the 94 deaths were among patients admitted at a hospital (Table 1). The clinical signs that were reported at admission were respiratory distress in 36 (51%) and altered consciousness in 17 (24%) (Table 3). On admission, the median temperature recorded was 36.6°C, (IQR: 36.2-37.4) Patients who had fever with a recorded temperature of ≥38°C were 9 (14%) and those with tachypnea were 36 (80%), 33 (70%) had an oxygen saturation of <90% on admission.


Laboratory and radiological investigations


On admission, 39/70 (56%) patients had full heamogram done, while 33% (18/55) had reduced hemoglobin levels in blood (Table 4). Thirty eight percent (20/52) had leukocytosis, lymphocytopenia 47% (25/53) and neutrophilia 58% (31/53). Elevated C-reactive protein levels (CRP) and elevated creatinine levels were recorded in 97% (32/33) and 52% (26/50) of the deaths respectively. Only 42 patients had data on liver function tests, and the elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels were recorded in 18 (43%) and 27(64%) patients respectively. Computed tomography (CT) scan was done in 24% (17/70) of patients, and the most common abnormality was ground-glass opacification in 9/17 (53%) and atypical viral pneumonia features in 9/17 (53%) CT scans. Chest x-ray was done for 37% (26/70) of the patients and the commonest abnormality was patchy opacities 65% (17/26) followed by pneumonia features 31% (8/26), ground-glass opacification was seen only 2/26 (8%) of the X-rays.


Treatment and complications


Intravenous antibiotics were administered to 77% (54/70) of patients and glucocorticoids to 19% (13/70). Ninety four percent (60/64) of the patients were on supportive oxygen therapy and those on mechanical ventilation were 33% (23/70). The most common complications recorded were acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in 54% (36/67) and pneumonia in 49% (33/67) patients (Table 5).



Discussion Up    Down

This study followed other studies that had described COVID-19 deaths [3, 4] but few have been done on the Kenyan population [16]. The most affected demographic groups were males and those above 65 years old. Community deaths were high in Mombasa county, specifically in the Mvita sub-county. Mvita in Mombasa and Kamukunji in Nairobi had the highest death rates from COVID-19. Majority of these deaths presented in the hospital with difficulty in breathing and having an underlying condition, many with more than one. Laboratory test results were deranged in majority of the patients, ground-glass opacification being the common finding in radiological tests. Almost all admitted cases were treated with intravenous antibiotics and acute respiratory distress syndrome was the most common clinical complication leading to death.


In this study, the most affected were those aged over 65 years contributing almost half of the deaths. Looking at gender, males were most affected. Other studies have recorded almost similar findings regarding the most affected demographic groups, with one showing that the most affected age was those over 70 years of age and majorly males [4]. Being male and a smoker (though smoking was not assessed in this study) was found to be a risk factor for COVID-19 severe disease and death [10]. It has not been yet explained why males are the most affected. However, we do speculate that it could be due to the nature of jobs they do and that they could be less keen on following public health measures/rules than females.


A majority of the community deaths were seen in Mvita, Mombasa County, and Kamukunji Nairobi County. Mvita was characterized by resistance from the beginning of the outbreak, with residents clashing with government officers enforcing the government regulations to contain COVID-19. This could be attributed to an increase in community transmission due to the flouting of COVID-19 containment regulations by members of the community at the start of the outbreak. First, this study looked at the initial cases in Kenya, when there was no community immunity to the disease. With such naïve immune systems, it is possible to see such high levels of patients admitted with severe disease and death. Further research and data review are important to look at the proportions of severe disease later in the pandemic in comparison with the findings of this study. Secondly, there was a high stigma associated with the disease at the beginning of the pandemic. Such stigma was related to low health-seeking behaviors even for other ailments. From a quick survey done by WHO between January and May 2020 (194 nations responded), 122 (63%) countries indicated that non-communicable disease (NCD) services were either partially disrupted or completely disrupted [17]. Since COVID-19 testing became mandatory for those seeking healthcare services, visiting a hospital became necessary only when a condition became severe. These two theories may partly explain why the proportion of community deaths for Mvita, Mombasa was high in this study.


A study done in Shenzhen City, China showed that a reduction in mobility was effective in the reduction of transmission but must be combined with other transmission containment measures [18]. The level of transmission could be different also dependent on the degree of mobility and restriction. In this regard, the Kenyan government through the ministry of health was compelled to go a step further to institute total lockdown in the two areas. Similarly, these two communities are known for communal living. Kamukunji in particular has the largest assorted goods market in Nairobi, Kenya, and is a supplier of such goods to many small business traders in the country. This market has shopping malls selling goods on both retail and wholesale. Traders come from all over the country to buy supplies in this market. This was a point from which the disease could easily spread to the whole country.


Most of the patients who died at the point of presentation to health facilities had difficulty in breathing and generalized body malaise while a few had fever and cough. This contrasted with findings from a meta-analysis done in March 2020 that indicated that the common signs and symptoms seen at the time of presentation were fever, cough, loss of smell, loss of taste, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing [19]. Similarly, a review conducted in May 2020 found fever, cough, and diarrhea to be common presenting features pointing to severity [10]. However, a different study showed features pointing to the severity and even death were dyspnea and hypoxemia setting in especially seven days after the onset of symptoms [7]. These symptoms, therefore, seem to follow a sequence, from symptoms of a mild disease to those signifying severe disease in some cases. In some cases, the disease onset could be with symptoms pointing to severe disease and death. Respiratory distress, tachypnea, and oxygen concentration <90% were found to be the most reported signs by clinicians. A study on COVID-19 mortality found shortness of breath in 98.8% of all such cases at admission [4].


The majority of these cases had an underlying condition before the COVID-19 infection. The most common underlying conditions being hypertension and diabetes. More than half of the mortalities with comorbidities had more than one comorbidity. Other studies have demonstrated hypertension and diabetes to be the most common underlying conditions in patients who died from the disease [4, 20] . Diabetes has been significantly associated with severe illness and mortality [20]. Diabetics have shown a two-fold risk of severe disease and subsequently ICU care (OR- 2.10 95% CI 1.71-2.57) and a three-fold risk of mortality (OR- 2.68 95% CI 2.09-3.44) [20]. Hypertension has also been associated with a low survival rate in patients with severe disease admitted to ICU [21]. We propose that further studies be done to look at the associations between diabetes and/or hypertension and COVID-19 severe disease and mortality.


Underlying pneumonia (bacterial) infection and its diagnosis in COVID-19 patients may be difficult to prove and hence be missed. In a study by Emmanuel Dudoignon et al. [22], the prevalence of bacterial pneumonia especially in severely ill COVID-19 patients was 37%. These were patients under mechanical ventilation, with 75% having hospital-acquired pneumonia. It is likely then that most coinfections with pneumonia are nosocomial pneumonia. Other viral causes of pneumonia are a possibility too. Emmanuel Dudoignon et al. felt that Rawson et al. [23] overestimated the prevalence of bacterial pneumonia in COVID-19 patients, cautioning clinicians from using broad-spectrum antibiotics. Testing for pathogenic causes of pneumonia must be encouraged, especially for patients with severe COVID-19. Where such laboratory capacities are unavailable, broad-spectrum treatment of bacterial pneumonia may be encouraged, especially with severe COVID-19 patients.


Laboratory investigations and radiological imaging have proved to be key over decades in disease diagnosis. Similarly, the tools have been utilized with the emergence of COVID-19 disease. In this study, the most outstanding laboratory findings seen were lymphocytopenia (decreased lymphocytes), neutrophilia (increased neutrophils), increased C-Reactive Protein, increased creatinine, and increased AST and ALT. A review on severe COVID-19 conducted in April 2020 showed that a majority of patients presented with lymphocytopenia and elevated inflammatory factors like C-reactive protein (CRP) [7]. The deranged markers point to end stages of organ damage and eventually multi-organ failure [7]. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) ≥3.13 is a pointer to the severity and poor outcome [7, 24]. Our study did not focus on such calculation but the picture was clear with lymphocytopenia and neutrophilia. The most common radiological finding on the chest CT scan was ground-glass opacification. The variance between findings in chest X-ray and CT scan can be due to high yield for CT scan. A study by Jin An (etal) showed that abnormal findings were common (37.3%) in CT scans in rather normal X-ray [25]. This is consistent with findings in other studies [26]. In combination with routine laboratory findings, a chest CT scan can be used for COVID-19 diagnosis in absence of RT-PCR for COVID-19.


The mainstay of treatment for COVID-19 is supportive management [6]. As of October 2020, remdesivir was the only approved antiviral for COVID-19 management [7, 27]. Since then, many other drugs have been added to the list including chloroquine, lopinavir, etc. [28]. However, this study found that most patients were on intravenous antibiotics. This could have been to cover for any underlying bacterial infection. Viral sepsis has been shown to have similar clinical progression and outcome as sepsis by other pathogens [8]. Viral sepsis seems to be highly ignored compared to other bacterial causes of sepsis. This could also partly explain why antibiotics were used for almost all the cases in this study. This may point to the need for proper guidelines on the management of viral sepsis. ICU admissions were too low compared to the clinical presentation of the patients described in this study. This could be due to the low ICU capacity in Kenya that necessitates the need to build ICU capacities in the country.


Most of the patients died from clinical complications; the most common being acute respiratory distress (ARDS) [29, 30], pneumonia, and sepsis in order of frequency. ARDS has been reported as one of the most common complications for COVID-19 patients [4, 7, 9]. Other common complications described include septic shock, refractory metabolic acidosis, coagulation disorders, and Multi-Organ Dysfunction (MODs) [7].


Limitations of the study


This review would have sought to interview proxies of the deaths but that was not done due to the high stigma associated with the disease at the start of the pandemic which was the study period. Hospital records had missing data in some variables. With no clear guideline for COVID-19 management at the start, different health facilities had different practices. Community deaths had only identification information, signs and symptoms, and comorbidities.



Conclusion Up    Down

From this study, difficulty in breathing was a common finding. More than half of the patients presented with difficulty in breathing with a smaller proportion having fever. Laboratory findings of lymphocytopenia (decreased lymphocytes), and neutrophilia (increased neutrophils), and/or ground glass opacification in imaging points to COVID-19 infections. Such patients should be commenced on treatment for COVID-19 without waiting for a confirmatory test. The common presentation of difficulty in breathing, and the clinical sequelae of ARDS and organ malfunction underscores the need for ICU facilities to better manage these patients. We hope this study will be an important tool both to clinicians and decision-makers.




Mortality was highest in older patients with co-morbidities, which underscores the importance of emphasizing prevention and control measures in these groups. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for COVID-19 in older patients who present with difficulty breathing and malaise, even in the absence of fever. Laboratory findings suggestive of COVID-19 such as neutrophilia, lymphocytopenia, elevated CRP and ground-glass opacities on CT scan may be used as an indicator of infection before laboratory confirmation. Expansion of critical care units in health facilities for patients who require mechanical ventilation since ARDS was a common complication.



What is known about this topic

  • The most known presentation for COVID-19 is fever, and cough
  • Most deaths are among patients with comorbidities
  • Most deaths are among the elderly, especially those above 50 years of age

What this study adds

  • Difficulty in breathing was the most common presentation
  • Pneumonia (bacterial) was one of the common underlying conditions
  • There were a lot of community deaths recorded in Mombasa Kenya at the start of the pandemic
  • Many patients who needed critical care in Nairobi, and Mombasa Kenya did not benefit from such, most likely due to such facilities being inadequate in the country



Competing interests Up    Down

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.




The costs for carrying out this study were provided by the Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (KFELTP)




Ethics approval and consent to participate


This being a public health event, the study was commissioned by the Kenya Ministry of Health and permission granted by the participating County Departments of Health.


Consent for publication


We hereby give consent to JIEPH to publish this study


Availability of data and materials


The data that support the findings of this study are available from Public Health Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC)- Ministry of Health Kenya but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of Public Health Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC)- Ministry of Health Kenya.



Authors´ contributions Up    Down

CMM and MG was involved in the conception, design, data collection, data analysis and writing of the manuscript WGB, AA, DN, DO, AH, PM, KK, and LM were involved in the conception, and design EO was involved in the conception, design, and data collection All authors read and approved the final manuscript.



Acknowledgements Up    Down

We would like to acknowledge the great technical support offered by the Kenya Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (KFELTP) and Centers for Disease Control and prevention during the development of this manuscript.



Tables and figures Up    Down

Table 1: Demographic characteristics of laboratory confirmed COVID-19 Deaths in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya, 2020 (n=94)

Table 2: Clinical and exposure characteristics of patients who died from COVID-19 in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya, 2020 (n=94)

Table 3: Clinical presentation of COVID-19 patients who died in health facilities within Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya, 2020 (n=70)

Table 4: Laboratory and radiological findings of COVID-19 patients who died in health facilities in Nairobi and Mombasa counties, Kenya, 2020 (n=70)

Table 5: Treatment and complications of COVID-19 patients who died in health facilities within Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya, 2020 (n=70)

Figure 1: Map of Kenya showing the Nairobi and Mombasa counties and their respective sub-counties

Figure 2: COVID-19 deaths by Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya, 2020

Figure 3: COVID-19 deaths by Sub-County, Mombasa, Kenya, 2020

Figure 4: COVID-19 cases who died by the date of laboratory confirmation in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya, 2020 (N=94)

Figure 5: Nairobi and Mombasa County COVID-19 death cases, time of onset to admission to death, March to June 2020



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Outbreak Investigation

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

Outbreak Investigation

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

Outbreak Investigation

Characterization of the first few COVID-19 mortalities in Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya 2020

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