Publication date: 05 March 2025.
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 14 January 2025.
Commissioned by: African Field Epidemiology Network
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 06 September 2024.
Commissioned by: African Field Epidemiology Network
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 21 June 2024.
Commissioned by: Rwanda FELTP
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 21 May 2024.
Commissioned by: African Field Epidemiology Network
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 29 January 2024.
Commissioned by: Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 18 August 2023.
Commissioned by: National Public Health Institute of Liberia
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 31 January 2023.
Commissioned by: African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET)
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 28 October 2022.
Commissioned by: AFENET and WAHO
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 16 February 2022.
Commissioned by: African Field Epidemiology Network
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 09 August 2021.
Commissioned by: West Africa FETP
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 26 January 2021.
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
Publication date: 11 January 2021.
Commissioned by: Liberia FETP
This supplement documents the epidemiological studies and field activities of the Sierra Leone FETP (SLFETP). The SLFETP, housed under the National Public Health Agency of Sierra Leone, was established after the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak. The program started with the Frontline FETP in 2016 followed b [...]
The Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health (JIEPH) publishes supplements in addition to the regular issues of the journal.
Supplements may be based on: proceedings of a meeting or conferences, collection of manuscripts related to a specific topic etc.
Supplement are published with the support of various entities including: nonprofit organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, medical education companies, universities etc.
As all articles published in JIEPH, supplements articles are checked for plagiarism and peer-reviewed.
Benefits of publishing a supplement with JIEPH
Instructions for supplements
Articles consider for publication as supplements will follow JIEPH guidelines available at:
The supplement sponsor will declare all competing interests.
JIEPH editors have the right to veto an article in the supplement if they feel that it violates the journal’s editorial policy, is unbiased or has conflicts of interest.
Publishing a supplement with JIEPH
Some information the supplement sponsor should have before contacting the journal include:
For more, contact the editorial team of JIEPH at: